A new team member for Lancaster Priory! - 05/03/23

We are pleased to announce that the Revd Louis Johnson has been appointed as Associate Priest of The Priory in Lancaster. Please do keep praying for Louis and Christine as they settle into this parish and as Louis continues his work as Associate Priest.

Louis was born, raised and schooled in Liverpool, Louis read Music at Churchill College, University of Cambridge, received his MMus and PhD in Music (Composition) from the University of Liverpool, and taught in the music departments at Liverpool Hope University, and the universities of Liverpool, Cardiff and Bristol, before undertaking training for ordained ministry at St Mellitus College, North West (now Emmanuel Theological College), whilst also serving a three-year context-based placement with Liverpool Parish Church, Our Lady & St Nicholas (which was also his sending parish). ‘He was ordained deacon at Michaelmas 2020, and priest at Petertide 2021, at the Anglican Cathedral in his home diocese of Liverpool.’

As Louis and his wife, Christine, are both born-and-bred scousers (and Evertonians!), it has taken lots of prayer, thought, and discernment to explore the call to ministry in Lancaster, and answering this call feels like a big step for both of them – but the sense of call is certain, and they are both genuinely excited about this new chapter in their lives, and about getting to know the people and places that make up the parish of Lancaster Priory, the city of Lancaster, and the wider Diocese of Blackburn. Louis says: ‘I’m really looking forward to working with the whole team at Lancaster Priory, and I can’t wait to get to know the communities that make up the parish, and the wider communities which they serve and are part of. It will be a privilege to live, serve, and work with and alongside you all in the mission and ministry that God is calling us into, sharing in the many ways that God is blessing the people of Lancaster, sharing in the love of God that is Jesus, in whose name, and by whose Spirit, we are all called to journey together, into the future, along The Way.”