Priory People
Lancaster Priory is a vibrant, lively and outgoing community with a range of activities taking place across the week. We believe we have something for everyone.
Below you can find details of our many organisations and what they do. If you are not involved already, or new to our church, we’d love it if you joined in.
For more information please don’t hesitate to contact us in the Priory office, telling us which organisation(s) you’re interested in. We’ll get back to you with more details.
Please click on the links for more information about individual groups:
Midweek Fellowship Group
The Midweek Fellowship group (on Zoom) meets on Wednesday evenings from 7.30 till 8.45 pm. Before meeting we either watch a 30 minute video inviting us to enter imaginatively into a scene from the Gospels, or read a chapter from a book. We are currently enjoying reading ‘Alive in God’ by Fr Timothy Radcliffe. When we meet up we go into breakout rooms... Read more
Mothers' Union
Mothers’ Union is a world-wide Anglican organisation with more than 4 million members in 80 countries worldwide. Its purpose is to be concerned with all aspects of Christian family life. Membership of Mothers’ Union is open to all (both male and female) who have been baptised in the name of the Trinity and who support the aims and objectives. This includes people... Read more
Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina or divine reading represents an ancient Christian practice of praying with Scripture. It became a regular practice in monasteries by the time of St. Benedict in the 6th century. The next online meeting is this evening 7th April 2025. It will be led by Joop Brouwer. To find out more or receive a link to the session, please... Read more
Marsh Community Activities
The Priory employs a Community Worker, Katie Schad, to be involved in the life of the Parish, so that the love of God can be seen throughout the area. The work is very varied but includes leading the Carer and Toddler, volunteering at the Marsh Community Centre, visiting the house bound and working with Schools to support parents and children.... Read more
Tuesday Group
What is the Tuesday Group? Tuesday Group is a social and charitable group for women, who meet informally once a month in the Priory Refectory, we have now also added an afternoon meeting which means we are accessible for those that find travel during the darker evenings difficult. We are all of different ages and backgrounds and we enjoy a... Read more
Sanctuary Guild
Sanctuary Guild are a small group who love to design and stitch items to enhance the church and to celebrate Church seasons. In recent years we have produced the Stations of the Cross and the Stations of the Resurrection which are displayed in church during Lent and Eastertide. We have also made, repaired and restored clergy vestments and church furnishings.... Read more
World & Community Group
The Priory World and Community Group (PWCG) was set up in 2015 as part of the Priory People initiative. In the light of the Parochial Church Council’s decision at that time that 5% of the Church’s giving should be to external Christian causes, the group’s main brief was, and still is, to: after discussion, reflection, consultation and prayer, recommend... Read more
Latest News
The Priory Bells - News from the Tower
You may have noticed that whilst the Priory Clock is...
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We are excited to announce that Leigh Rhianon Coggins will...
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The Priory and Parish Church of St Mary’s, Lancaster...