Tuesday Group
What is the Tuesday Group?
Tuesday Group is a social and charitable group for women, who meet informally once a month in the Priory Refectory, we have now also added an afternoon meeting which means we are accessible for those that find travel during the darker evenings difficult. We are all of different ages and backgrounds and we enjoy a variety of guest speakers who enlighten, fascinate or entertain us each meeting. We try to include at least one devotional talk or event within our programme. We also have several social outings, for example, an afternoon tea somewhere nice, a theatre trip and also Christmas lunch at a local hotel or restaurant.
Part of the group’s work is fundraising for charities based locally, the group has an annual Christmas coffee morning from which proceeds are given to various charities chosen by the members. Have you got any ideas of good causes which would benefit from financial help? Suggestions are always appreciated.
In the last five years our group has raised a total of £4500 for charities.
Does it appeal to you to belong to a group like this where everyone us welcome while having companionship, growing through new experiences and enjoying yourself at the same time? Then perhaps the Tuesday Group may just be for you. If you think so, please contact any one of our several committee members via the Priory office for details. (Help with lifts is always available.)
Please contact us via the Priory office: email info@lancasterpriory.org or tel: 01524 65338
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