To raise funds for the Tower Appeal, Revd Canon Chris Newlands will Livestream from the Priory for 2.5 hours (non-stop) reading every chapter of The Acts of the Apostles .
He says:
The Acts of the Apostles starts with the Ascension of Jesus, and continues through the Coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and the Apostles beginning the work of the Church.
So we will hear Acts of the Apostles read in its entirety to remember how the Christian Church began with their preaching, teaching, and their acts.
To encourage Chris in this marathon we ask you to donate a minimum of £5 each to join the Livestream on Saturday 23 May 2.00pm-4.30pm.
You can also sponsor a chapter for £10. There are 28 of them. Please inform if you do this and make a note of it when you make your donation.
Like and donate to this event now and you will be automatically notified when Chris goes live next Saturday. You will be able to react to the live reading with your own messages and emojis.
Please write a message to Chris when you make your donation for the event or to sponsor a chapter here:


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