CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 15-21 MAY 2016 - 28/04/16
In Christian Aid Week, Christians across the denominations join annually in a great act of ecumenical Christian witness – collecting money. In Christian Aid Week, Christians across the denominations join annually in a great act of ecumenical Christian witness – collecting money that will fund the projects of Christian Aid’s partners across the world, as well as enabling Christian Aid to campaign for such universal causes as tax fairness, debt relief and awareness of climate change.
Christian Aid works to support the victims of disaster and refugees from war, and makes it possible for people to work to improve their own lives, through micro-financing and Fair Trade projects, and educational initiatives, which are chosen by the CA partners in each country. And no, the benefits are not restricted to Christians! To learn a little more, you could visit www.caweek.org
The Priory has been part of Christian Aid Week for more than forty years – and some members of the congregation have been collectors all that time! In recent years the Priory contribution to Christian Aid Week has been over £1,400, increasing despite the financial austerity affecting everyone.
The collections during Christian Aid week will fund the projects of Christian Aid’s partners across the world, as well as enabling Christian Aid to campaign for such universal causes as tax fairness, debt relief and awareness of climate change.
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