Our Choir
We are extremely keen that music should be at the heart of all that we do; it lifts us when we are sad and it helps us celebrate our most joyous moments in life. Some are given the gift to perform, and we are very fortunate to have some talented musicians in the Priory; their singing and playing enhances our worship as they join their voices with the angels in praising God. They also use their gifts to entertain us in concerts throughout the year.
The top line is shared between a girls’ choir of around twenty girls, and a boys’ choir of around sixteen boys. The lower parts are sung by adults, many of whom began their singing life as children in the choir. Two Sunday choral services are sung each week and for major events the treble lines combine to form a full choir of some sixty singers, and at Christmas and Easter the full choir is supported by an invited orchestra.
The choir is a very friendly group that holds many social events, including trips, post-concert parties and an annual dinner at Candlemas. Many former choristers, some of whom are pursuing musical careers, return to take part both musically and socially in these events.
Every year we are delighted to welcome students from either of the two universities in the city to sing with the girls’ or adult choirs. Students who are able to offer high levels of commitment are eligible for CHORAL or ORGAN SCHOLARSHIPS to cover the cost of singing or organ lessons with a member of our team. In return for financial assistance, choral scholars are engaged in some aspect of choir administration or chorister training. Any students who would like to be considered for a choral or organ scholarship should contact the Director of Music to arrange an audition.
Regular weekly schedule
4.45pm – 5.15pm Children’s Choir
5.30pm-6.30pm: Boys’ choir practice
6.40pm-7.40pm: Girls’ choir practice
7.40pm – 8.40pm: University Scholars’ practice
Scheduled rehearsals between 6.00pm and 9.00pm planned a term in advance.
10.00am Choral Eucharist (9.15am rehearsal)
6.30pm Choral Evensong (5.45pm rehearsal)
During school and university holidays, a choir of volunteer singers from the congregation (The Occasional Singers) leads the music for the weekly Choral Eucharist. For details of how to join this, please speak to the Organist, Ian Pattinson, after a service.
Music Staff
Director of Music – vacant
Ian Pattinson BA (Hons) FRCO (Organist)
Jayne Crow (Singing teacher)
Christopher Steele (Singing teacher)
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