What we believe
We are a committed Christian community in the Anglican tradition. We strive to be a place where the diversity of Christian belief and understanding can flourish so that we can witness with authority and integrity to the love of Jesus Christ in the world.
We believe in God who creates and sustains all things, so that we return regularly to worship for rest and renewal. We believe in God who animates, energises and inspires us, so that we translate our faith into enquiry and wonder about the world. Standing firmly in the historic breadth of Christianity in the Anglican Church, yet rooted humbly in the awareness of our own boundaries and limitations, we strive to welcome all, to include all.
We believe in and proclaim both the mystery that is God, whom we partly know and partly do not know, and the human need to worship.
We believe in and proclaim the person of Jesus Christ who distinctively reveals the nature of God and the meaning and purpose of life, and who calls us to follow him through the death of the cross to the place of Resurrection.
We trust in the Holy Spirit who prompts liberty, beauty, truth, love and joy against the waywardness of human nature.
We are committed to using the Bible in a way that takes account of all truth and relates it to the real experiences, both good and bad, that people have of life.
We are committed to a Church that conveys the Christian revelation in signs and symbols, particularly in the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.
We are committed to exploring the meaning of the Kingdom of God and to making connections between what we profess and the way in which we live and work.
We draw inspiration from our history and that Christian worship has taken place in this place since 1094.
We are committed to taking all people seriously wherever they might be at their particular point of understanding, while at the same time sharing with them whatever insights may have been gained by our relationship with God.
We acknowledge the destructive power of human sinfulness, and we welcome gratefully the forgiveness that God offers to those who are prepared to turn to the truth.
We are committed to identifying and affirming what is good and identifying and opposing what is evil, and living as best we can in the mess in the middle.
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