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Lancaster Day

A lineup of events has been announced to celebrate the first ever ‘Lancaster Day’.

This celebration of the city, its heritage and history, will be held on Wednesday, June 12.

It will mark the anniversary of the signing of the city’s first charter on June 12 1193.

On the day, the original charter will be showcased in Lancaster City Museum, alongside a day of entertainment for the community.

Lancaster Priory will be flying the Lancaster City flag from its tower.

Other events will include the chance to ‘Meet The Normans’ in the city centre, a vintage DJ, town criers telling the Lancaster story, tours, talks and walks.

Lancaster Priory, the Castle, the Judges’ Lodgings, the City Museum and the Police Museum will all be open on the day.

Here is the full line-up of events on Lancaster Day.


    Lancaster Priory’s historic clock which has marked time for locals and visitors alike since 1886 is being restored to its former glory. Probably for the first time in its life the entire mechanism, which has been threatened by chronic water leaks, has... Read more

  • Christingle 2020 - 03/12/20

    The national Christingle service in aid of the Children's Society will be available to stream from Sunday 13 December. STARS FOR REMEMBRANCE—If anyone would like a star to remember a loved one please contact Frances or via our contact us page on the website. Frances will write the message and put the star on the tree. Please donate... Read more

  • New Family Eucharist Service at Lancaster Priory - 11/10/20

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    Lancaster Priory Church which has been closed for the longest period in its thousand-year history has emerged into the light after the lifting of lockdown restrictions. Vicar of Lancaster, Canon Chris Newlands is now conducting public Sunday services in church following months of worship online. And the Priory has also hosted its first wedding since March – of a soldier in... Read more


    Choristers at Lancaster Priory will be singing with joy as they return to the ancient church this Sunday. Sung worship has been an important part of life at Lancaster Priory, stretching back to its origins as a Benedictine community, but the COVID-19 pandemic silenced singing for the longest time in living memory and probably not since Oliver Cromwell’s puritan... Read more

  • Saturday 15 August - Live streamed Service to commemorate VJ Day - 12/08/20

    Saturday 15th August live streamed from 10.55 am  A Civic Service to commemorate VJ Day. The Revd Canon Chris Newlands leads a short act of Remembrance with the Mayor of the City of Lancaster on the 75... Read more

  • Thursday 13 August: Live Streamed service in memory of Florence Nightingale - 12/08/20

    Thursday 13th August live streamed at 9.30 am  Morning Prayer to remember Florence Nightingale (1820 - 13th August 1910) in her bicentenary year, and to pray for all nurses and carers. Service led by Canon Chris Newlands... Read more

  • Return to Public Worship - Sunday 9 August - 09/08/20

    Dear Friends I am very pleased to be able to let you know that the Priory will be open for public worship from Sunday August 9th. We will have to observe Government requirements as well as the guidance from the Church of England, and recognise that it will be some time before we can return to things as... Read more

  • Silent Prayer in St Thomas Chapel - 23/06/20

    Each weekend at Lancaster Priory we are opening our doors once again. We know you will help us to follow the guidelines for everyone’s safety. Opening times for prayer: Saturday 1st August 11am-3pm Sunday 2nd August 2pm-4pm (with exposition) Read more

  • Installation of New Lighting - 28/05/20

    The Vicar and Churchwardens of Lancaster Priory are delighted to announce that work will begin on June 1st to install the new lighting in the Priory Church. This will be the First Phase of a Two-Phase installation, and will include the wiring and system installation, as well as the lighting of the porch, the... Read more

  • The Acts of the Apostles: Live Reading Tower Appeal Event - 18/05/20

    To raise funds for the Tower Appeal, Revd Canon Chris Newlands will Livestream from the Priory for 2.5 hours (non-stop) reading every chapter of The Acts of the Apostles . He says: The Acts of the Apostles starts with the Ascension of Jesus, and continues through the Coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and... Read more

  • Lancaster Priory on Beyond Radio - 16/04/20

    Just before we went into the shut in phase of this global health pandemic, Rev Canon Chris Newlands spoke at some length with Bryan Griffin from Beyond Radio. This interview falls into two parts and was recently broadcast on Bryan's Late Evening Culture Show. Read more

  • Lancaster Priory Tower Appeal - 16/04/20

    As air pollution levels lessen and we have more time to ponder the skyline, the Priory Tower comes closely into focus these days. This wonderful symbol right next to Lancaster Castle needs a huge amount of care if it is to remain a part of our cityscape. Read more

  • Easter Day Anthem - 14/04/20

    We heard “Rise, heart” by Ralph Vaughan Williams as part of our Easter celebrations . Here is a shareable video of that great Easter anthem, beautifully sung by  Read more

  • April Newslink - 02/04/20

    Our regular magazine ‘Newslink’ is now available to view online. Please click below for the latest issue. PRIORY NEWSLINK APRIL 2020 FINAL3a Read more

  • Lancaster Priory Choir Association AGM - 10/03/20

    Notice is given of the Association’s AGM to be held in the refectory immediately after morning service on Sunday 15th March. Only members of the Association are entitled to vote. The meeting should last around 10 – 15 minutes. Nick Walker (Chairman) Read more

  • Archdeaconry Welcome to The Ven David Picken - 12/02/20

    Welcome to our New Archdeacon of Lancaster The Ven David Picken from the Lancaster Archdeaconry The... Read more

  • Dr Rowan Williams - 12/02/20

    Lancaster Priory was delighted to welcome Dr Rowan Williams (former Archbishop of Canterbury) on Tuesday 11th February who spoke on ‘Fiction and the Work of Grace’.     Read more

  • Lancaster Priory Tower Appeal - 12/02/20

    We really need your help! Our tower is in urgent need of essential repairs. The repairs will cost in the region of £110,000 so this is where you can help us. Sponsor a stone for... Read more

  • EducAid - 06/02/20

    The charity EducAid Sierra Leone is a UK registered charity that Lancaster Priory supports and funds. EducAid provide a high quality education to hundreds of children whoc would otherwise receive little or no education in Sierra Leone. There will be an opportunity for local schools and groups to find out about life and education in Sierra Leone from it's Country... Read more