An Inclusive Church – Prayers of Love and Faith - 27/02/24
The Priory and Parish Church of St Mary’s, Lancaster is an Inclusive Church. God shows no partiality. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are seeking to live out the command he gave us to love one another as he loves us. For many years we have walked alongside the LGBTQIA+ community and same-sex couples in our church and community. In the past, prayers after same-sex civil partnership and marriage have been offered in our church and we have rejoiced with these couples who have chosen to recognise their love, faithfulness and commitment before God. We regret that despite the vote of the General Synod of the Church of England in November 2023, stand-alone services are not currently possible. We look forward to being able to offer these again once permission is given for us to do so.
At the meeting of our Parochial Church Council on the 26th of February 2024 we agreed a motion welcoming the ‘Prayers of Love and Faith’ and supporting their use by clergy and other authorised ministers in our parish and in the public worship of our Priory and Parish Church.
The Prayers of Love and Faith are resources for praying with and for a same-sex couple who love one another and who wish to give thanks for and mark that love in faith before God. These prayers will now be offered within regular services at Lancaster Priory. If you want to explore the Prayers of Love and Faith resources you can find them HERE.
Those who want to celebrate their love, faithfulness and commitment before God in our Priory and Parish Church will find a joyful welcome in a supportive and inclusive community. If you would like to talk to a member of the clergy to organise prayers for you and your partner, please EMAIL us.
A prayer of Thanksgiving from the Prayers of Love and Faith:
Gracious God,
from love we are made and to love we shall return.
May our love for one another kindle flames of joy and hope.
May the light and warmth of your grace inspire us to follow the Way of Jesus Christ,
and serve you in your Kingdom,
now and for ever.
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